Depending on where you are coming from and what you want to do, mini bikes could be a good investment. Mini bikes are priced in the range of $300 to $1,600 making them easily affordable for even the beginner and hobby rider. They are cheaper than full size motorcycles to purchase initially and have a lot of fun about, especially for younger riders or those looking for recreational off-road adventure.
Mini bikes are also popular among people because they can be easily maintained. As for routine maintenance, on small gas mini bikes like the 99cc mini bike, oil changes, chain lube grease and even TIRE REPLACEMENTS do not even amount to a fraction of what full size motorcycles cost in upkeep. A gas station for an oil change should be about $15. 00 — $20.00 on average, and tires are good for a 1-2 year pending terrain and how much riding you do per mileage so not much here either.
The third is of coarse being able to ride anywhere on a mini bike. Models such as the Razor MX350 electric mini bike or the FRP 99cc gas mini bike are built for both off-road and backyard riding, which makes them a great choice if you want to get rides on different types of terrains. It is also extremely portable designed to be transported easily so you can bring the bike in different places not hard on your part using additional manpower by other people, it only ways 50-80 pounds each.
In terms of performance, in its small packet mini bikes have a very good speed and power. The majority of models, such as the FRP 99cc mini bike, top out around 15-20 mph making them perfect for beginners or casual riders. Altough mini bike wasnt form to speed racing, they enough powered for fun and bether prepare your self to ride.
For this reason, many parents love having mini bikes as an option to start their children in the world of motorbiking. These come with engine sizes of between 50cc to 100cc and are suitable for any child aged between 7 and 14. Some feature adjustable throttle limiters that could improve safety by making it easier for parents to limit the speed of the bike, so as to keep accidents at a minimum. The American Academy of Pediatrics says supervised biking in a safe location can help build kids’ confidence and motor skills.
But, a few of you guys probably wondering about the mini bikes holding their resale value. Though they may not hold the resale value of full-size motorcycles, a well-kept mini bike can fetch a pretty penny nonetheless. Despite a used mini bike market that may be at times selling bikes several years old for 50-60% of the new price.
As automotive journalists Jeremy Clarkson once said, “It is not just about the speed, it’s about the fun and freedom of riding.” Mini bikes offer the freedom of doing so without the costly expenses and duties bigger motorcycle make you incumbent upon today. Mini bikes can be an exciting and comparably cheaper starting point for those looking to get into motorcycling, making them perfect for beginners, hobbyists or families.
So if you are wondering whether an inexpensive mini bike is any good, avoid those fears with the 99cc John’s Motorcycle by way of balancing performance with safety and affordability. Proper care and usage will see your mini bike giving you years of fun and a run for your money.